Thursday, August 16, 2012

margot 101

My brain has officially turned to mush i carnt evann tipee propelyy s0 thi$ mite b short. 
Once again it seems I've taken a likening to my mums closet so I've stolen her tights, loafers and cardigan. The skirt is from Spoilt Rotten and is my favourite skirt EVER and one day I will make a stuffed toy which replicates the one printed on it. The vest is from Vinnies and the necklace I ordered on Etsy which is seriously why my brain has turned to mush because ever since I discovered that beautiful world of vintage everything I have spent hours on it. 

I found the perfect Margot Tenenbaum coat at the markets the other day but I looked like bum hole in it and could imagine anyone but dear old Margot in such a nice coat and there were no Margot look-a-likes around so I sadly place it back.

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