Friday, August 31, 2012

oh! you pretty things.

I am glad to announce that Moonrise Kingdom has finally come out in Australia. Also I've mentioned this film to most of my friends and they seem at loss to acknowledge its existence (GASP), but I will still be recruiting people to join me in watching it in the cinema, multiple times, even if I have to drag them because I know in the end they will appreciate it. 
I would love to be rambling on about all the mysterious feelings I get from Suzie and her high white socks and collared shift dresses but I feel like I have to witness the film first to get a true insight into its characters. 
Regardless I'm still absorbing myself in characters like Suzie, and Jenny from An Education which I spoke more about in my earlier post. Its sort of 60s school girl muddle at the moment. 
This outfit was mostly inspired by Jenny. You may also notice my flimsy attempt in backcombing my hair. It stayed up for the photos but was in desperate need of some hairspray which I was not willing to apply as my hair has the ability to knock someone out when its drowned in spray. 
 Old shoes of my mums, dress from markets in Vietnam, cardigan is Abercrombie, thrifted purse, random headband. 


  1. Holy shit after reading your last post I want to see The Education so, so badly and I am so glad to be heading back to the US in a week so I can watch Moonrise Kingdom. The fashion looks incredible in it and after Rookie mag has completely hyped me up for, I can't wait to be inspired.

  2. I've never seen Moonrise Kingdom,due to the fact that I don't think it's even out in the UK yet!I wish it was released at the cinema in summer though,that would be have been so much greater!Also,I love you blog-followed!

  3. Ahhha Moonrise Kingdom is so good!
    ^ And it came out in the UK right at the start of the summer^ :)
