Sunday, August 12, 2012

bubble blowing hippies.

Last Sunday finally felt like spring was on its way, and I seriously don't think anyone on the planet knows how much I am craving warm weather. Good because when it comes I am going to have a secret rejoicement, (rejoicement is not a word) party in my room and dance to spring songs and smell the flowers and do all that stereotypical spring time stuff people write about. 
I like to call the beautiful bright yellow chequered pants my clown pants. Firstly because they are quite oversized on me a secondly they are yellow and chequered and should be appreciated for it. I got them at the markets the day before. 

And because I am just so artistically talented and obsessed with bubbles I spent a good amount of time photographing bubbles in my backyard. This is also because I have no friends and nothing better to do with my time.  

Meg over and out.


  1. I love those shoes!! Where'd ya get them?

  2. I got them on ebay! It was a really lucky find. I wear them in my sleep.
